NDIS Assistive Technologies

Improve your independence and mobility.

Understanding NDIS Assistive Technologies

NDIS Assistive Technologies are special tools, equipment or systems that make your everyday life easier, helping you overcome obstacles and achieve your personal goals. These technologies are part of your NDIS funding, and they're designed just for you, focusing on your unique needs to boost your independence, safety, and well-being.

By using Assistive Technologies, you can find practical solutions for different challenges you might face in areas such as moving around, communicating or taking care of yourself. When you choose the right tools, you'll notice a big improvement in your daily life, giving you more confidence and freedom to live the way you want.

Examples of Assistive Technologies

Mobility aids, such as wheelchairs and walking frames

Home modifications, including ramps, grab rails and stairlifts

Communication devices, like speech-generating devices and alternative input devices

Vision aids, such as screen readers, magnifiers and braille displays

Hearing aids and assistive listening devices

Personal emergency alarms for increased safety and security

Adaptive utensils and equipment for meal preparation and self-feeding

Assistive technology for personal care, like shower chairs and raised toilet seats

Customised seating and positioning systems for enhanced comfort and support

Smart home technology, including voice-activated systems and environmental controls

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